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Beginner to Guru
Hello and welcome (24:59)
Level 1: Laying your Foundation
Coming up with your big idea (11:41)
Evolving your idea (3:25)
Evaluating your idea (6:35)
Discover your industry (5:31)
Becoming an expert (2:31)
Creating your unique product (11:12)
Competitor analysis (2:36)
Industry research (10:35)
Customer research (5:39)
Level 2: Wellbeing & Mindset
Introduction to personal growth (2:51)
Personal growth part 1: Habits (20:30)
Personal growth part 2: Mindset (32:02)
Level 3: Career Growth
Becoming job ready (8:36)
How to search for a job (22:11)
CV and cover letter (7:45)
How to rock a job interview (10:47)
How to get promoted (17:35)
Level 4: Business Growth
Your exit plan to starting a business (12:13)
Building your business (26:43)
How to create an online course (18:13)
Freelancing: Selling a service (27:16)
How to rock a job interview
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